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Finding the Right DSST Exam for You

Congratulations! You’ve decided to pursue a college degree. There’s no denying that planning a curriculum can be overwhelming, especially considering the sheer number and variety of courses available to you. But, if you’re looking to complete a few general requirements or earn credit for subject matter you’re already familiar or experienced with, taking a DSST […]

Death to Distraction: How to Create the Perfect Study Space

Odds are that your results on that next big test (perhaps an affordable DSST credit-by-exam test) come down to how well you study for it. And how well you study often comes down to your study space. The good news: there’s really only one thing you need to eliminate in order to create the perfect […]

YouTube. The Ultimate Learning Hack.

Maybe you started a family. Maybe all your attention has been going toward your current career path. Maybe you’ve been immersed in your military service. For whatever reason, life got in the way of fully pursuing a field that interests you. If you’re looking to finally earn college credit for the knowledge you already have, […]

Is DSST for me?

When people hear about DSST credit-by-exam for the first time, a “Huh?” or “Really?!” often follows. Not only are they surprised that earning college credit can be so affordable and convenient, but they are delighted to learn that DSST credits are accepted by thousands of reputable colleges and universities. This is why our tests are […]

The key to acing that career fair? SOAP!

You have your degree. You have the drive. You just need a chance. Sound familiar? Then it could be time to check out a career fair. As large and hectic as career fairs can be, it’s undeniable that they serve a purpose in connecting companies and candidates who may not have found each other otherwise. […]

The 3 Ways Veterans Can Make Their Résumé Civilian-Ready

Serving in the military can be one of the best résumé builders for a career in the private sector. But once you hang up your fatigues and start drafting your résumé, it’s crucial to know your audience. Civilians, especially those who have never served, will be looking for qualifications, skillsets, and keywords that might surprise […]

Behind the Credits: Business

As rewarding as earning a degree is, deciding on which one to pursue can be extremely challenging. To help with that, we’re putting together a spotlight series designed to offer a quick glimpse at specific areas of study. We’re calling it “Behind the Credits,” and our first edition focuses on the world of business. “Business” […]

Tips and Tricks for Preparing for a DSST Exam

Sometimes the toughest thing about taking an exam isn’t the exam itself, it’s mentally preparing yourself for it. Yet, most of us tend to spend the bulk of our time and effort prepping for the questions and much less time and effort prepping our minds, our bodies, and our spirits for what we’re about to […]

Focusing After Failing

So you failed a test. Congratulations! In failing, you’ve joined the ranks of nearly everyone else on Planet Earth, including some of the brightest minds out there. There are countless quotes, stories, and books and dedicated to lessons learned and progress made because of failure. How we try, fail, and try again defines each of […]

The Only Checklist You Need for Changing Your Major

Whether you’re headed to college at 18 or seeking a degree at 38, landing on a major can be one of life’s toughest choices. Perhaps that’s why at some of the nation’s most well-known universities, more than half of students switch their major. In fact, many schools have replaced the term “undeclared” with “exploratory” to […]